Living Her Best Life
Editor: Dominique Beaumont
Design: MODE Studio
Brittany Anderson is one of MODE reader’s favourites and has been featured in several of our lists including World’s 100 Most Beautiful Women and 2023’s “Most Influential & Inspirational”. As always, Brittany has been living a busy life and we caught up with her for an update on what she’s been up to.
MODE: Welcome again to Mode Lifestyle Magazine. You are no stranger to MODE because our readers have previously voted you amongst the Most Beautiful Women in the world. How has your career changed since then? Are you mainly modeling, actively doing some modeling alongside your normal day-to-day job, or is there another major focus?
BA: Thank you so much. I feel honored to be back! Since my last publication with you, I modeled full-time, and the sky was a limit; and then Covid happened! That halted a lot of my projects and the industry changed. I am still modeling actively but also doing other work. I have a huge dream of having my own clothing line so I have been working on that for quite some time and can’t wait to release it!
MODE: If I remember correctly, you moved from Wyoming to California when you first decided to pursue a career as a professional model and acting. How did you adjust to such a big change in your life and location?
BA: Yes, I moved from Wyoming to California as soon as I graduated with my bachelor’s degree. I had big dreams and wanted to pursue my modeling career. The adjustment period was quite drastic. From the people to the highways, everything is different lol. I moved here without knowing anyone and really had to have thick skin and put the work in to be successful. It’s a dog-eat-dog world in LA, the girls are beautiful, and all have dreams just like you, so you have to bring it!
MODE: You have been described as having a positive and bubbly personality. Do you think this has helped you in navigating the often challenging world of modeling and acting?
BA: I definitely do have a very bubbly and positive personality. I do believe it has helped me to not only navigate but also land jobs. This business, much like others, is about relationships and connections; I always make sure to have a good rapport with everyone I work with in the industry because you never know if something will pop up that they’ll need you for.
MODE: Do you think the industry has evolved in any way since you first got into it? Would you say it is easier or more challenging now?
BA: the industry has definitely evolved since I first got into it. I remember scheduling audition to audition every day and now almost everything is online. Also, the influencers and “IG Models” have impacted the industry due to their large social media following. Before when I’d go to an audition, I’d bring my headshots and book, they’d ask my experience (print, runway etc.) and now the first question is “how many followers you have?”
MODE: What advice would you give someone who is just starting out and has a dream to become a model or actor? How best should they approach it and what should they look out for?
BA: I would tell that person to research a great photographer that could give them a great book to start with – and to check reviews of photographers to make sure they are legit and professional. If it is your first shoot with a photographer always bring someone to accompany you.
MODE: We are all about inspiring people and spreading positive energy and supporting each other whenever possible. Do you have any inspirational quotes or events from your life that you can share with our readers?
BA: I believe that God never gives us more than we can handle.
Nothing is impossible,
The word itself says ‘I’m possible’
(Audrey Hepburn)
The bad news is time flies
The good news is you’re the pilot
(Michael Altshuler)
“Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.”
(Walt Whitman)
Read more on “BRITTANY ANDERSON” and other features in this edition of Mode Lifestyle Magazine.