Diamond Necklaces
"Wishing You Here" -MODE-May-June-2010

Wishing You Here

Heidi Ellestad Wears Sadoni Couture

Photographer: Kine Frostman Lien / www.frostfoto.no
Stylist: Hair & Makeup: Sandra Pedersen
Model: Heide Ellestad
Designers: Hamid and Trude Sadoni of Sadoni Couture
Location: Mardalen – Norway (Marindalen’s Old Church)
Wishing You Here MODE May June 2010 mw 826x1024 1
“Wishing You Here” -MODE-May-June-2010-P34
Wishing You Here MODE May June 2010 singles P2 mw 826x1024 1
“Wishing You Here” -MODE-May-June-2010-P35 – $906


"Wishing You Here" -MODE-May-June-2010-P36
“Wishing You Here” -MODE-May-June-2010-P36 – Sadoni Couture $1280
Alexander Wang
Elvis & Kresse Rescued Raw Materials


Wishing You Here MODE May June 2010 singles P4 mw 826x1024 1
“Wishing You Here” -MODE-May-June-2010-P37 – Sadoni Couture $1842


Wishing You Here MODE May June 2010 singles P5 mw 826x1024 1
“Wishing You Here” -MODE-May-June-2010-P38 – $1842


Wishing You Here MODE May June 2010 singles P6 mw 826x1024 1
“Wishing You Here” -MODE-May-June-2010-P39 – $3090


For more information send request to: info@ModeLifestyleMagazine.com

Alexander Wang

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