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One day I woke up and asked myself why? By Alexander Michaels. "The Image Issue" - May/June 2015 Mode Lifestyle Magazine

One day I woke up and asked myself why?

By Alexander Michaels
© 2015 Alexander Michaels
Photography: Tanya Draskovic


One day I woke up and asked myself why?

Why am I rushing around focused on creating wealth but never creating time and space to enjoy it?

Why do I have so many friends and yet know so few people?

Why is it that there are fewer and fewer people with whom I can share my internal dialogues about the mysteries of life and the universe and the spiritual energies that bind us all together, and yet I am communicating with more people and saying and hearing less?

Alexander Wang
Elvis & Kresse


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One day I woke up and asked myself why? By Alexander Michaels. "The Image Issue" - May/June 2015 Mode Lifestyle Magazine One day I woke up and asked myself why?
By Alexander Michaels. “The Image Issue” – May/June 2015 Mode Lifestyle Magazine


Why is it that the simple goals I set myself as a child and barely achieved were so much more enjoyable and colorful to my mind and spirit than the complex goals I have set for myself as an adult and, although mostly achieved, seem somehow hollow so that I must create new goals in an attempt to fill a void that I know surely exists but that refuses to openly declare itself?

Why is it that I search for happiness now when before I simply lived and embraced any happiness that came my way?

Why is it that when I had the most, as perceived by the outside world, I knew that I had the least and looked around searching for the “more” that would replicate the feelings and raw life excitement I had when perceptually I had the least?

Why is it that now I value my time and peaceful space to think or not think more than anything except life itself?

I now realize once again that life truly is an amazing thing and that everyone we meet is special and incredible in their own way if only we would take the time to look. I also realize that the simple process of living can cause an accumulation of debris and artifacts that can cloud our minds and spirit in time so that we forget who we are and what life is all about. I woke up, realizing that much of life as an adult is a form of sleep, and realized that I was no longer a child and could never hope to attain that exact level of simpleness, purity and sweet clarity that was a joy in itself, but I also realized that I did have the benefit of more knowledge and better understanding.

The answer to the “Why” was that I was slowly falling asleep on the inside, living a life that was going somewhere but nowhere that I truly wanted, just like eating empty calories and refined sugars will give you instant gratification but you know somehow that something is missing. My journey to the new me has taken seven years of creating quiet, physical and spiritual cleansing, and quiet introspection, so that I now live more in the present, and I am able to see, taste and feel once again.


© 2015 Mode Lifestyle Magazine
“Thoughts” by Alexander Michaels

For more information send request to: info@ModeLifestyleMagazine.com

Alexander Wang

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