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Edina Kováčová - World's 100 Most Beautiful 2016 (2020 Collector's Edition) - Feature

Edina Kováčová Is On the Cover of the Multi-Cover 2020 Collector’s Edition Update of “MODE LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE WORLD’S 100 MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN 2016” Edition

Editor: Dominique Beaumont
Photography: LSG Photography, Lucia Senasiova
Design: MODE Studio

(Available on Amazon: 2020 Collector’s Edition)

Edina Kováčová Cover - 2020 Collector's Edition: MODE's World's 100 Most Beautiful Women 2016
Edina Kováčová Cover – 2020 Collector’s Edition: MODE’s World’s 100 Most Beautiful Women 2016
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Fashion model Edina Kováčová is originally from Slovakia and lives in the Capital, Bratislava. She has been modeling since age 16 and says, “Even now I still feel the same passion and exciting about modeling as I did right from the beginning.” Mode Lifestyle Magazine’s readers have obviously noticed her passion and voted her into the World’s 100 Most Beautiful Women List for 2016. Edina Kováčová is on a cover of the multi-cover 2020 Collector’s issue of the 2016 list.


Read the full article and interview with Edina and many of the other celebrities in the 100 Most Beautiful 2016 list in the 2020 Collector’s edition available to MODE subscribers or at various outlets worldwide.


*See the Full 100 Most Beautiful List for 2016: <MODE’s 2016 Full List>

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